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Requirement for 76. (1) Every corporation formed under this Ordinance shall
keeping books keep correct and complete books and records of account
of account, and shall keep minutes of all meetings of shareholders, of
minutes and actions taken on consent by shareholders, of all meetings of
records of the board of directors, of actions taken on consent by
shareholders directors and of meetings of the executive committee, if
(2) Every corporation formed under this Ordinance shall
keep a record containing the names and addresses of all
registered shareholders, the number and class of shares held
by each and the dates when they respectively became the
owners of record thereof In addition,.any such corporation
which issues bearer shares shall maintain a record of all
certificates issued in bearer form, including the number,
class and dates of issuance of such certificates.
(3) Any of the foregoing books, minutes or records may be
in written form or in any other form capable of being
converted into written form within a reasonable time.
Shareholders’ 77. (1) Any shareholder or holder of a voting trust certificate,
right to in person or by attorney or other agent, may, during the
inspect books usual hours of business, inspect, for a purpose reasonably
and records related to his interests as a shareholder, or as the holder of a
voting trust certificate, and make copies or extracts from
the share register, books of account, and minutes of all
(2) Any inspection authorized by subsection (1) may be
denied to a shareholder or other person who within five
years sold or offered for sale a list of shareholders of a
corporation or aided or abetted any person in procuring for
sale any such list of shareholders or who seeks such
inspection for a purpose which is not in the interest of a
business other than the business of the corporation or who
refuses to furnish an affidavit attesting to his right to
inspect under this section.
(3) The right of inspection stated by this section may not be
limited in the articles or bylaws.
Directors’ right 78. Every director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable
of inspection time to inspect all books, records, documents of every kind, and
the physical properties of the corporation, domestic or foreign, of
which he is a director, and also of its subsidiary corporations. Such
inspection by a director may be made in person or by agent or
attorney, and the right of inspection includes the right to make
Enforcement of 79. Upon refusal of a lawful demand for inspection of records
right of required to be maintained under this Ordinance, the person making
inspection the demand may apply to the High Court for an order directing the
corporation to show cause why an order should not be granted
permitting such inspection by the applicant. Upon the return day of
the order to show cause, the High Court shall hear the parties
summarily, by affidavit or otherwise, and if it appears that the
applicant is qualified and entitled to such inspection, the High
Court shall grant an order compelling such inspection and
awarding such further relief as the High Court may deem just and
proper. On order of the High Court issued under this section, all
officers and agents of the corporation shall produce such records
ordered to be produced in their custody or power, under penalty of
punishment for contempt of court. All expenses of the production
shall be defrayed by the applicant unless the High Court orders
them to be paid or shared by the corporation.
Annual and 80. Upon the written request of any person who shall have been a
interim reports shareholder of record for at least six months immediately
preceding his request, or of any person holding, or thereunto
authorized in writing by the holders of at least five percent of any
class of the outstanding shares, the corporation shall give or mail to
such shareholder an annual balance sheet and profit and loss
statement for the preceding fiscal year, and, if any interim balance
sheet or profit and loss statement has been distributed to its
shareholders or otherwise made available to the public,.the most
recent such interim balance sheet or profit and loss statement. The
corporation shall be allowed a reasonable time to prepare such
annual balance sheet and profit and loss statement.



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