Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance

85. This Ordinance shall not affect any cause of action, liability, penalty,
Provision or action or special proceeding which on the effective date of this Ordinance is accrued,
existing, incurred or pending, but the same may be asserted, enforced, prosecuted, or
defended as if this Ordinance had not been enacted.
Regulations 86. (1) The Minister may make regulations with respect to the duties to be
performed by the Registrar of Companies under this Ordinance.
(2) Without limiting or affecting subsection (1), the Minister may make
regulations with respect to the conduct, duties and responsibilities of registered
Endorsement 87. Upon the filing of any instrument the Registrar of Companies shall
Certificates issue a certificate of endorsement under his hand and seal certifying that the instrument
is filed.
Certificate 88. The Registrar of Companies shall, upon request by any registered
of Good Standing agent, issue a certificate of Good Standing under his hand and seal certifying that a
limited liability company subject to this Ordinance is of good standing if he is satisfied
that -
(a) the name of the limited liability company is on the register; and
(b) the limited liability company has paid all fees required under this
Ordinance; and
(c) the limited liability company is not in contravention of any of the
provisions of this Ordinance or is in the process of being wound up and
Form of 89. Any certificate or other document required to be issued by the
certificate Registrar of Companies under this Ordinance shall be in such form as the Minister may



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