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Removal of 45. The articles of incorporation may prescribe special
directors qualifications for directors. Unless otherwise provided in the
articles of incorporation, directors may be natural persons, or
corporations, of any nationality and need not be residents of Nevis
or shareholders of the corporation. Alternate or substitute directors
may be appointed provided that the terms and conditions under
which such appointments shall be made are set forth in the articles
of incorporation or bylaws.
Quorum; 46. (1) The number of directors constituting the entire board
action by the shall not be less than three, except that where all the shares of a
board. corporation are held by fewer than three shareholders, the number
of directors may be fewer than three but not fewer than the number
of shareholders. Subject to such limitations, such number may be
fixed by the bylaws, by the shareholders, or by action of the board
under the specific provisions of a bylaw. If not otherwise fixed
under this section, the number shall be three.
(2) The number of directors may be increased or
decreased by amendment of the bylaws, by the
shareholders, or by action of the board under the specific
provisions of a bylaw, subject to the following limitations:
(i) If the board is authorized by the bylaws to
change the number of directors, whether by
amending the bylaws or by taking action under the
specific provisions of a bylaw, such amendment or
action shall require the vote of a majority of the
entire board; and
(ii) No decrease shall shorten the term of any
incumbent director.



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