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Winding up 100. (1) All corporations, whether they expire by their own
affairs of limitations or are otherwise dissolved, shall nevertheless be
corporation after continued for the term of three years from such expiration
dissolution or dissolution as bodies corporate for the purpose of
prosecuting and defending suits by or against them, and of
enabling them gradually to settle and close their business,
to dispose of and convey their property, to discharge their
liabilities, and to distribute to the shareholders any
remaining assets, but not for the purpose of continuing the
business for which the corporation was organized. With
respect to any action, suit, or proceeding begun by or
against the corporation either prior to or within three years
after the date of its expiration or dissolution, and not
concluded within such period, the corporation shall be
continued as a body corporate.beyond that period for the
purpose of concluding such action, suit or proceeding and
until any judgement, order, or decree therein shall be fully
(2) Upon the dissolution of any corporation, or upon the
expiration of the period of its corporate existence, the
directors shall be trustees thereof, with full power to settle
the affairs, collect the outstanding debts, sell and convey
the property, real and personal, as may be required by the
laws of the jurisdiction where situated, prosecute and
defend all such suits as may be necessary or proper for the
purposes aforesaid, distribute the money and other property
among the shareholders after paying or adequately
providing for payment of its liabilities and obligations, and
do all other acts which might be done by the corporation,
before dissolution, that may be necessary for the final
settlement of the unfinished business of the corporation.
(3) At any time within three years after the filing of the
articles of dissolution, the High Court, in a special
proceeding instituted under this section, upon the petition
of the corporation, or of a creditor, claimant, director,
officer, shareholder, subscriber for shares, or incorporator
or any other person in interest, may continue the liquidation
of the corporation under the supervision of the court in
Nevis and may make all such orders as it may deem proper
in all matters in connection with the dissolution or in
winding up the affairs of the corporation, including the
appointment or removal of a receiver, who may be a
director, officer or shareholder of the corporation.



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