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Officers 58. (1) Every corporation shall have (i) a president and
treasurer, or a managing director, and (ii), a secretary, who
shall each be appointed by the board or in the manner
directed by the articles of incorporation or the bylaws. Such
other officers shall be appointed as are required by the
articles or the bylaws or as the board may determine are
desirable or necessary to carry on the business of the
corporation. All officers shall be natural persons except the
secretary which may be a corporation.
(2) The articles of incorporation may provide that all
officers or that specified officers shall be elected by the
shareholders instead of by the board.
(3) Unless otherwise provided in the articles of
incorporation bylaws, all officers shall be elected or
appointed to hold office until the meeting of the board
following the next annual meeting of shareholders, or in the
case of officers elected by the shareholders, until the next
annual meeting of the shareholders.
(4) Each officer shall hold office for the term for which he
is elected or appointed, and until his successor has been
elected or appointed and qualified.
(5) Any two or more offices may be held by the same
person unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws
otherwise provide.
(6) The board may require any officer to give security for
the faithful performance of his duties.
(7) All officers as between themselves and the corporation
shall have such authority and perform such duties with
respect to the management of the corporation as may be
provided in the bylaws or, to the extent not so provided, by
the board.
(8) Officers maybe of any nationality and need not be
residents of Nevis.



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