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11. Corporations may be organized under this Ordinance for any
lawful business purpose or purposes.

General Powers

12. Subject to any limitations provided in this Ordinance or any
other law of Nevis or its articles of incorporation, every
corporation shall have power in furtherance of its corporate
purposes irrespective of corporate benefit and whether or not
enumerated in its articles:
(1) To have perpetual succession.
(2) To sue and be sued in all courts of competent
(3) To have a corporate seal, and to alter such seal at
pleasure, and to use it by causing it or a facsimile to be
affixed impressed or reproduced in any other manner.
(4) To purchase, receive, take by grant, gift, devise, bequest
or otherwise, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold,
improve, employ, use and otherwise deal in and with, real
or personal property, or any interest therein, wherever
(5) To sell, convey, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise
dispose of, or mortgage or pledge, or create a security
interest in, all or any of its real or personal property, or any
interest therein.
(6) To purchase, take, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise
acquire, own, hold, vote, employ, sell, lend, lease,
exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of, mortgage, and
pledge, bonds and other obligations, shares, or other
securities or interests issued by others, whether engaged in
similar or different business, governmental, or other
(7) To make contracts, give guarantees and incur liabilities,
borrow money at such rates of interest as the corporation
may determine, issue its notes, bonds, and other
obligations, and secure any of its obligations by mortgage
or pledge of all or any of its property or any interest
therein, wherever situated, in any currency.
(8) To lend money, invest and reinvest its funds, and take
and hold real and personal property as security for the
payment of funds so loaned or invested, in any currency.
(9) To do business, carry on its operations, and have offices
and exercise the powers granted by this Part in any
jurisdiction within or without Nevis. Provided that any
business conducted within Nevis is restricted to the
activities specified in sub-section (2) of section 123 of this
(10) To elect or appoint officers, managing directors,
employees and other agents of the corporation, define their
duties, fix their compensation, and the compensation of
directors, and to indemnify corporate personnel.
(11) To adopt, amend or repeal bylaws relating to the
business of the corporation, the conduct of its affairs, its
rights or powers or the rights or powers of its shareholders,
directors or officers.
(12) To make donations for the public welfare or for
charitable, educational, scientific, civic or similar purposes.
(13) To pay pensions and establish pension plans, pension
trusts, profit sharing plans, stock bonus plans, stock option
plans and other incentive plans for any or all of its
directors, officers, and employees.
(14) To purchase, receive, take, or otherwise acquire, own,
hold, sell, lend, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of,
pledge, use and otherwise deal in and with its own shares.
(15) To be a promoter, incorporator, partner, member,
associate, or manager of any partnership, corporation, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise.
(16) To have and exercise all powers necessary or
convenient to effect any or all of the purposes for which the
corporation is formed.
(17) To be recognized and to be domiciled or domesticated
within or without Nevis, and to change the situs of said
domicile or domestication from time to time.
(18) To protect the assets of the corporation for the benefit
of the corporation, its creditors and its members, and at the
discretion of the directors, for any person having a direct or
indirect interest in the company.
13. A guarantee may be given by a corporation not in furtherance
of its corporate purposes, when authorized at a meeting of
shareholders by vote of the holders of a majority of all outstanding
shares entitled to vote thereon. If authorized by a like vote, such
guarantee may be secured by a mortgage or pledge of, or the
creation of a security interest in, all or any part of the corporate
property or any interest therein wherever situated.



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